
Showing posts from July, 2022
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] More diary entries - Jan. 17, 1918, Thur., Fair, Cool wind Had hike, bayonet drill and Co. in C.O. [close order] Drill this a.m. Had lecture on musketry and auto rifle school this p.m. Bombing school also in progress. Very windy out. Jan. 18, 1918, Frid., Cool. Cold wind. Fair. Had hike and C.O. Drill this a.m. Drill long and very snappy. Fellows out for detail & bombing school this p.m. Went to auto rifle school. Got ready for inspection this evening. Wrote Yates & Claude. Bed early. Very cold night. Jan. 19, 1918, Sat., Cool. Partly cloudy. Reg. inspection this a.m. which went fine - the 4th platoon carrying off honors of the day! O.K. Then I went to barber shop - then prepared for guard duty. Had charge of post 9, including all quartermaster depot. Went on at 4 p.m. with 42 men, 6 corps. & 1 Junior Sgt. - Turner. Jan. 20, 1918, Sun., Cloudy in a.m. Snow. Fair p.m. Slept f...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Letter postmarked Jan. 17, 1918 - Camp Wadsworth, S.C. January 1918 Dear Aunt Nell: - Well, I've started in at automatic rifle school, so have some more information about this gun - and the specific part it plays in battle. In as much as I will undoubtedly command an auto-rifle section, and it will become my specialty from now on, both as a fighter and section leader - but also, later, as an instructor to my men in the use, care, and operation of the arm and drilling them as "gun crews." I will tell you more of the drills - too - later. However, the new organization consists of four crews to each section - so I will have 4 of these Chauchat rifles [The Chauchat was the standard light machine gun or "machine rifle" of the French Army during World War I (1914–18). Its official designation was "Fusil Mitrailleur Modele 1915 CSRG"] in my little command. I w...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Jan. 6, 1918, Sun., Chilly. Rained part of day. Cloudy. Breakfast late. We played cards all a.m. Dinner at 3:00. Rotten eats today. Mud very deep everywheres. Dank day.  Jan. 7, 1918, Mon., Very cold. Wind very strong. Had bombing and close order drill this a.m. Am now in charge of platoon. Kiely at bomb school, Toombs at camouflage school, Crowley at bayonet school. Will have platoon for a month, probably. Had advanced guard and out-post work this p.m. My platoon was posted perfect - the only correct one. Complimented by Capt. Special school this evening. Cold night. Bed early. Colder. Jan. 8, 1918, Tues. Cold. Windy. Freezing. Had practice march & bayonet work this a.m. Had c. o. [close order] drill also - full co. Went for trench observation this p.m. Bed early. Tired. Jan. 9, 1918, Wed., Cold. Fair. Sunny. Marched to town to give the Co. baths this a.m. I had tub bath in Ho...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Starting with diary entries - Dec. 29, 1917, Sat., Cold. Snowed some. Had regular inspection this a.m. Went off OK. Finished 9:30. Did nothing but write letters all day. Bed 7:30. Very cold. Snow. Dec. 30, 1917, Sun., Very cold. Snow on ground. Up for reveille. Back to bed after breakfast. Slept until noon. Wrote letters in afternoon to Sis, G. Spoor, and Aunt Nell. Terribly cold. Read. Bed early. Cold. Letter to Aunt Nell - Spartanburg, So. Carolina December 30, 1917 Sunday afternoon   Dear Aunt Nell : - Just a few lines to acknowledge the receipt of that Santa Claus box yesterday - each and every article of which I most surely appreciated a lot and to thank you a thousand times. The trendy hat is a dream. All my fellow sergeants are almost green with envy over my possession of it! It's great! and Joe Toombs read "Carry On" last night and thinks it's great! I went to ...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Diary entries - Dec. 22, 1917, Sat., Fair. Reg. insp. this a.m. Went off OK. Bill Turner & I went to town after lunch. Back at 9:30 p.m. Dined at the Wadsworth - shopped - saw 2 shows, had bath, got my photos, etc. Rec'd pkg. from Anna and box from home today. Cold night. Stuff in box from about 15 different folks. Some wonderful box. Boys! Dec. 23, 1917, Sun., Fair. St. Sgt. today. Very easy day. Loafed around in the tent all day - wrapped up pkgs. of photos for mailing. Wrote letters & cards to acknowledge Xmas gifts. Bed at 11:00. Cold night. Dec. 24, 1917, Mon., Cool. Fair. Drilled this a.m., close order, extended order & wig wag. Mailed photos after lunch. We did not drill this p.m. Rec'd briar pipe in case from Allen Hoke. Wrote a few letters, smoked & talked. Damned lonesome eve. Everybody pretty blue. Bed early. Dec. 25, 1917, Tues., Christmas Day / My 1s...