More diary entries -

January 20, 1919, Mon.

Busy getting drill fields. Lectures & drill in a.m. Athletics in p.m. Feel bum. Fine day.

January 21, 1919, Tues.

Feel fine. Beautiful day! Drill & lectures in a.m. Games in p.m. Colder today. Colonel Geo. Rickerts up. Wrote a few letters in p.m. No mail. Rummy in evening.

January 22, 1919, Wed. Fair.

[ some of entry erased or too light to decipher] Very cold. Bn. went for Reg't'l. (?) in a.m. Athletics in p.m. ....... AWOL men back.

January 23, 1919, Thur. Fair - very cold - a bit of snow in the air.

Drill, good lecture & mapping. Ball game in p.m. Rec'd 3 letters. Having some trouble over one of my men who went to Paris, arrested. Guess I'm in wrong with Reg't'l Adj. Damned old crab!

January 24, 1919, Frid. - Fair. Cold.

Drill, hike, sketching & lectures in a.m. Planning for big football game Sunday. Wrote a few letters - bed early. News of going home in Feb. today.

January 25, 1919, Sat. Cold. Cloudy.

Inspected my section. Wrote Allen, Nelson & Margaret. Got out my reports - smoked & loafed. Football practice. Running in evening - bed about 8:30 - rotten night's sleep.

January 26, 1919, Sun.

Up at 9 - bkfst. 9:30 - to 112 - 110 football game - score 0 - 0. Great game! Wrote letters in p.m. Very cold day. Bed early.

January 27, 1919, Mon.

Exam in a.m. Marked papers - football practice. More dope on my A.W.O.L. men. Orders in on billeting. More about entertainment, etc. Hell of a time fixing them up. Finished papers & got out office correspondence in evening.

January 28, 1919, Tues.

Sent scouts to Co's. Went to D Co. to lead plat. in Regt'l review - then took command of the Co. to bring them home. Fine parade. Worked on billeting acct's all p.m. At H.Q. in conference over the (?) of tomorrow in evening - also in conference with my own N.C.O.'s

January 29, 1919, Wed.

Regt'l review by General Hay in a.m. I staid in to make maps for Brigade maneuver that's coming off tomorrow. Went to Regt'l for meeting of Town Mayors [or Majors] in p.m. Back in Signal Corps limousine. Busy with reports in evening.

January 30, 1919, Thur.

On big Regt'l maneuver in a.m. Very interesting - back at noon. I acted as Intelligence and Liason officer. Wrote reports and letters in p.m. Played hearts in evening. Cold night. Rec'd a bunch of old letters today.

January 31, 1919, Frid.

Up 5:30 - breakfast at 6:00, enroute with Bn. at 7:00. Went over past Paguy - deployed - (?) the big Brigade attack problem. Finished at 11:30. Critique by the General at 12:15. Rode the Major's horse back - 8 miles. A bit saddle sore. Major Graff back last night. Very cold.

February 1, 1919, Sat. Cold.

Inspected my men, checked shortages, got out reports, beaucoup correspondence - and took a bath. Rec'd Jan. pay - 754.25 fr. Have 1300 francs on hand now. Bed early.

February 2, 1919, Sun.

Up at 9:00 - good bkfst. of cakes, eggs & coffee. Football game at 10:00. Good game - score 7 - 6. We won. Soccer game in p.m. against French aviators - score 3 - 2 in theor favor. To (?) in p.m. for my photos. Very cold.

February 3, 1919, Mon.

Regular programme of instruction today. My chaps had football practice. Played hearts in evening.

February 4, 1919, Tues.

In a.m. a short hike - then scouts practiced for game. Game in p.m. against runners(?) & orderlies. Score 24 - 0 - pretty fast game. Up to Sorenson's in evening - had a party to celebrate S's birthday and my 2 yr. ann. Major Crosley, Doc, Bill, Steve & I there. Beaucoup champagne - Some Time - !!!

February 5, 1919, Wed.

Regt'l review in a.m. I staid in to work on billeting acct's. Feel bum. H--- of a hangover! Slept all p.m. Played hearts in evening - 2 good games.  Got a lot maneuver maps.

February 6, 1919, Thur.

Up 6:30. Breakfast 7:20 - moved out 8:00 - on big Brigade maneuver. (?) here in reserve - back at 1:00 p.m. Went to Sauvignon in p.m. Sent M.O. to Claude, registered of $146.00 (800 francs). Played cards and answered 6 letters which came today - in evening. Cold - snow about 3" deep.

February 7, 1919, Frid.

Had weekly inspection this a.m. Snowed steady all p.m. - wrote letters - did paper work and played cards balance of day. Quite deep snow - very cold. Up to Sorenson's in evening.

Letter to Aunt Nell -

Notice hand drawn Bn. insignia at top.

H. Q. 1st Bn. 112th Inf.
February 7th, 1919

Dear Aunt Nell -
Just a few lines to say I'm still alive - but have been mighty sick with a measly cold all the week. Nevertheless - I've been constantly on the go - busy with lectures, maneuvers, inspections and reviews.

Today is the wintriest day we have had. It is devilishly cold and has been snowing since sometime in the night - but, I am fortunate to have this be one of the rare days when an officer has nothing to do - - my accounts (billeting) are all up to date, there is no drill schedule for today and not a thing to do but loaf. I suppose I'll while the morning away writing a letter or two and sitting by the fire burning tobacco and this afternoon will call on some fellow officer who has a hotter fire than me and play cards or visit the p.m. away.

You've no idea what a change comes in one's food when he becomes an officer - especially an officer on staff. Of course company eat the same food as their men - with a few added extras but here our cook only has two officers to cook for so cooks food accordingly. Our breakfasts are cereal - eggs on toast, bacon and coffee. For luncheon we usually have soup, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, roast or steak, vegetables, bread, butter, coffee or tea and real pies! Pete Berulone(?), our cook is surely a wonder at pastry cook - and maybe he doesn't (?) to please us with quality & variety at ever meal.

Well - there's no news - our latest rumor is that we are going to Russia instead of home - but - you know what the service is for beaucoup rumors! Ha!Ha! So will close, as always - 

With much love, / Clyde


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