Letter to Aunt Nell -


Dec. 21, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell -

Well, I'm leaving here tomorrow for Luxemburg, via Paris, Nancy & Metz [Metz is a city in northeast France located at the confluence of the Moselle and the Seille rivers] - and - ye Gods! maybe I'm not glad to get out of this damnable school. It has been the most unsatisfactory course I have, as yet attended - due to our new point of view of these "bomb-proof instructors - who we had to listen to before the armistice but now realize what they represent - and our attitude toward them - as that of men who have fought in the lines toward these who exert certain influences to keep away from the dangers of battle - is very marked! So, we're glad to get away from this detestable crowd and get back to our outfits where we have fellow officers who are MEN!

It has been raining pretty much ever day during the past 4 weeks - is now getting damnably cold and a lot of us are anxious to get organized in our outfits again - where, with an orderly to take care of us - our comforts will be greatly increased.

I'll tell you - a real officer - one who has the stuff in him - and holds the administration of his men - when with his outfit under normal conditions - is simply sitting on the world! And - from the day of my return to my Battalion until I reach America again I'm going to enjoy working as I've never enjoyed military effort before!

I'm feeling pretty rotten now - days - this school has got my goat - the weather has a very demoralizing effect on a chap - and, all in all, I'm temporarily nursing a grouch - so - before I growl on any more, I'll close for now - as ever With much love, / Clyde

More diary entries -

December 22, 1918, Sun. Cold. Rain.

Langford & I played cards with Fisher, Girling, Johnstone & Shields all day. Went to "Y" service in evening, good music.

December 23, 1918, Mon. Rain. Cold.

Loafed & wrote letters all day. Rained nearly all day. Cold night. Some Div.'s leaving. Feeling fine - great chance to sleep! 

December 24, 1918, Tues.

Loafed & wrote letters all day. Travel orders in. Getting colder. (?) lonely Xmas eve's. Some snow at night.

December 25, 1918, Wed. Dinner at fort. To Langres 1 p.m. Left 5:30 for Toul. Arr. Toul 10 p.m. Hotel.

December 26, 1918, Thur.

Awoke late. In wonderful room in the hotel here. Washed & shaved. Fed, supper in p.m. Tea at Y Restaurant - to Red Cross Hotel in evening - for night. Wrote mother - Anna & Aunt Nell.

Letter to Aunt Nell -

(at Toul)

December 26, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell -

I hurried out of Paris yesterday to Chaumont - then to Langres to witness the review of the troops by Pres. Wilson & Mrs. Wilson, Pershing, etc. - and back in the p.m. to attend the Opera Comique - then left again this a.m. via Neuf Chateau for Toul - where I am staying tonight in the Red Cross Hotel for officers - and leave tomorrow for Commercy - then up to Woinsville  and rejoin my outfit. It seems they started for Coblenz [Koblenz is a German city on the banks of the Rhine and the Moselle. Koblenz was established as a Roman military post by Drusus around 8 B.C.] - hiked 3 days and were then recalled. Rumor has it that we may be among those listed to get home soon!

Will close for now, as ever,

With much love, / Clyde

More diary entries -

December 27, 1918, Frid.

Left Toul 8:30 for Commercy. Out of Commercy 2 for Woinville. Hiked to Buxières - reported to R.H.Q. then hiked up to my Bn. Same place as I left them in same hut.

December 28, 1918, Sat.

Inspected my section this a.m. Planned programme for future - made reports. Rain. Very busy day.

Letter to Aunt Nell -



Dec. 28, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell -

Just a line to say I left Toul yesterday a.m. for Commercy - from there to Woinville - then to Buxières, near which my Bn. is encamped - in the same old Boche camp in which they were billeted when I left, over a month ago.

Have been busy today with reports, inspections & planning work for my scouts' training schedule next week. Will write more later.

Love, / Clyde

Diary entries -

December 29, 1918, Sun.

Up fairly early. After breakfast I hiked to Buxières then to Woinville for my bedding roll. Brought it back to B- on the narrow gauge, up the hill on ration cart and then carried it in. Rain. Wrote a few letters & desk work in p.m.

December 30, 1918, Mon.

Up for reveille. Cloudy. Sun shone a while today! Had men out for short hike - then lectured them very thoroughly on military maps. No drill in p.m. Rec'd letter from Dad with pictures and a letter & Xmas card from Anna. Rain in p.m.

December 31, 1918, Tues. Rain part of day.

We all went down (officers) to witness a Divisional school 37 & M.G. demonstration in p.m. Lectured my section in a.m. Spent very pleasant evening in quarters. Feeling fine. New Years Eve!

January 1, 1919, Wed. Fair

Went down to wish Colonel Richards a happy New Year in a.m. Fine bkfst. of bacon & eggs - (?) went dinner from Nancy. Chatted in evening. Bed at 10:30. Feeling bum - cold.

January 2, 1919, Thur. Very little rain.

Lectured most of forenoon - took a hike in p.m. Got some wood. Very interesting day. Wrote up exams for my men in evening. Colder.

January 3, 1919, Frid., Cloudy.

Sketching lecture in a.m. Exams in p.m. Am raising all hell with my reveille & drill dodgers. Paid mess bill 55 fr. to Lt. (?). Easy day. Exams very good. 80% (?).

January 4, 1919, Sat. Decent day.

Excellent insp. this a.m. Great improvement in the section in every detail. Very gratifying. Feeling rotten, cold in head. Took a hike this p.m. & wrote Anna. Colder today.

January 5, 1919, Sun.

Up 5. Packed & dressed. Fed. To Bussières - on truck in billeting party 'A' to town of Rangeval. Fixed for billets for 1400 men, 30 officers & 200 horses. Good supper & champagne. Slept in monastery there! Fine bed.

January 6, 1919, Mon.

Woke up in Rangeval abbey or monastery. Shaved & fed. Checked billets. Madame, most petite & mother of 3 prepares my meals and fixes (?) bed at night in the estaminet floor. The Bn. arrives about 4 - all in billets OK. Well satisfied. Loaf & talk in evening. Bed at 9:30.

January 7, 1919, Tues.

Up 6:00. Watch Bn. hike out - gather my billeting party, hike up to see (?) then wheel back and wait for (?) to come back with truck from Courville to Bosq(?). Meet Lt. Robinson there in town. Major's office - have fine 10 fr. dinner. Waiting all p.m. for truck to carry us to D(?) area. Staid up until 3:30 a.m. Slept on floor.

January 8, 1919, Wed.

Awake 7:30. Came thru Toul - to Colombey, (?), then to Pagny-la-Blanche-Côte. Began billeting reg't. I couldn't start until nearly dark. First B.H.Q. & started Co. men at their work - in town of Burey-la-Côte for night. Fine quarters with old folks - good supper. In dept. Moselle now, just north of the Vosges [Vosges is a department in the Grand Est region, Northeastern France. It covers part of the Vosges mountain range, after which it is named.] Nice day - riding around in big Packard from town to town all day.Bed quite early.

January 9, 1919, Thur.

At Burey [Burey is a commune in the Eure department in Normandy in northern France.] - little rain in p.m. Finished billeting. Bn. arrived 1 p.m. All set tout de suite - fair town - busy all day getting settled. Fine quarters.

January 10, 1919, Frid.

Settled in a.m. & went to Regt'l H.Q. in (?). To Goussain court to check billets in p.m. Called on Sorenson in security.

January 11, 1919, Sat.

Up for reveille. Inspected my section - fairly good. Got out Counter Espionage reports - completed some G.I. maps for the R.I.O. Loafed and read in p.m. Played hearts in evening with boys.

January 12, 1919, Sun. SNOW.

Loafed and wrote in a.m. Gave Downs 30 fr. & pass to go shopping for me. Rec'd Dec pay - 735.25 fr. Played cards in p.m. & drew map. Cold.

Next up - Letter to Aunt Nell -


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