Diary entries

November 25, 1918, Mon. Rain.

Shot on 100+ range in a.m. Pretty nasty. Had a provisional battalion formed in p.m., tactical lectures, etc. - very good. Study 7 - 9 p.m. Pretty cold this evening. Bed 9:30.

November 26, 1918, Tues. Cloudy.

Had lectures on maps in a.m. In p.m. some tactical formations, compass work and C.O. drill. No study in evening. Bed at 8. Cooler.

November 27, 1918, Wed. Cloudy.

On 100 yd. range in a.m. Shot 2 - 3" groups offhand - to everyone's surprise. In p.m. had protractor & sketch work, games, drill & a lecture on wire. Sat in "Y" in evening a while - bed at 8:15. Warmer.

November 28, 1918, Thur.. THANKSGIVING! Cloudy.

Some thankful world this year I guess. Loafed & wrote all day. Fine dinner at officers mess. Football game in p.m. O&S won 7 - 0 against Minor Tactics. Bed early.

November 29, 1918, Frid. Cloudy - some rain.

Had compass & protractor & map work in a.m. In p.m. attended a musketry & fire control demonstration. Very Good. Show in evening - by students. Rotten! Bed 9:00.

November 30, 1918, Sat.

Had insp. of qtrs. by Col. Fulmer - then shot on 100+ range, snipers course. In p.m. shaved, read & loafed. Bed early - feeling pretty bum - head cold, etc.

December 1, 1918, Sun.

Beautiful day. Up, washed & shaved, dressed, cakes for breakfast, took a 2 hour walk - good luncheon. Wrote Allen & Mr. Fritts in p.m. - Jenkins came over to visit - feel better today. Went to prayer service in evening - bed 8:30.

Note to Aunt Nell -


Dec. 1, 18

Hello -

Haven't a d----d  thing to say - fact is, I'm off writing you letters so often - as I've not heard from you, now in over 2 months and don't even know if you're in existence yet!

But - here's a few clippings  I cramped my fingers clipping so you can be pretty thankful that I'm not entirely sore! Ha! Ha!

Boucoup love, Clyde

More diary entries -

December 2, 1918, Mon.

Beautiful day. Had a compass - map hiking problem in a.m. - our squad got the record. Big demonstration in 37 m/m gun, Stokes mortar, automatic rifles, M.G.'s, M.G. tactics, (?), Def. & V.B. grenades & pyrotechnics - very fine. Study 7 - 9. Bed 9:30.

December 3, 1918, Tues.

Raw day - foggy - a freezing [word missing] all day. Had some work on range in a.m. and a gas lecture. In p.m. we ran through fire & movement problems from 1 - 4:30. No night study. Feeling bum with my cold again. Rain night. [I suspect the symptoms Clyde is experiencing is related to the gas exposure he endured in August.]

December 4, 1918, Wed.

Foggy - rained nearly all day. Had a bit of drill in a.m. and lectures on map making, etc. Pretty good. In p.m. had some more map & aero photo work, drew rubber hip boots & had an hour of boxing bouts. Lecture by Capt. Davis at 7 p.m. Signed up - wish immediate separation from service - wrote Anna.

December 5, 1918, Thur., Cloudy - Fog.

On the range in a.m. shooting .45 Colt automatic. Rec'd a letter from Anna today - dated Oct. 23 - and the first letter I've had since Oct. 23. Had a tactical walk and hike in p.m. Rotten time! Study 7 - 9 p.m. Sniping lecture.

December 6, 1919, Frid.

Had a road sketching problem in a.m. Went OK. In p.m. our Provisional Co. H put on an attack problem. We were so rotten that the Major raised all hell with us. Bed early - rain.

Dec.7, 1918, Sat. Fair.

Had work on 100+ range in a.m. In p.m. we had to do yesterday's attack again for disciplinary punishment - some sore bunch of officers. Got paid $155.+ (759 francs). Have 40 odd bucks due me yet. Bought boots - 185 fr. Paid mess bill 105 fr. Bed early.

December 8, 1918, Sun. Cloudy day.

Ed Fisher & I went for bath, took out laundry, shaved, etc. in a.m. Wrote mother & loafed all p.m. Dull day. Paid mess acct. Good meals. Chatted with Lt.'s Asner, Boyle & Bremer. Bed after prayer service in YMCA. Warmer.

December 9, 1918, Mon.

Decent in a.m. We went on 200+ range - I shot an 80% score - not bad. In p.m. it grew foggy & rained so, Q & S was excused. I loafed in barracks all p.m. Took high shoes to be hob - nailed - study in evening. Rec'd letter from Bruce R.

December 10, 1918, Tues. Cloudy.

Had lectures on patrolling & a lecture on future things by a G.H.Q. officer in a.m. Had a compass hike in p.m. Read & loafed all evening. Bed - 10:30.

Next up - A letter to Aunt Nell and more diary entries.


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