Diary entry -

November 1, 1918, Friday

In a.m. had physical exercise. In p.m. we filled out our War Dept. record cards, took our oath as 2nd Lieuts. Infantry, U.S. Army - and signed our oaths of commission, enlistment discharges and acceptance of commission. Busy pretty late. Am now a full fledged officer!

Letter to Aunt Nell -

Nov. 4, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell : -

Just a line to say I finished O.K. Was 12th on the list of men recommended and so I think I did pretty well - having on 11 men beat me out of so many.

Have passed final exams O.K., checked property, final statement & discharge is made out, recommendation went in from Lieut. Instructor, past the captain and approved by Commandant of school, passed physical exam. perfect, papers all made out - and today we're sworn in & commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants, Infantry, U.S. Army. Will forward my address as soon as I am assigned to an outfit.

My salary - (?) allowances, etc., will be about $2,160.00 a year - or $180. a month.

Have my uniform, Sam Brown belt, gold shoulder & cap bars, decorations, service ribbon, service stripe (gold for 6 months, due 10th (?)) and my kit bag - so am all set.

When cable comes with money will get trench coat, whip cord uniform, boots, etc. but can get along temporarily.

And - at last - I'm an officer - within a few hours, I could say - and earned it after being under fire. I won it, by Jove!

Farewell banquet this Sat. night - and then it's finished.

Will write more later.

Much love, / Clyde

Diary entry -

November 2, 1918, Sat.

Made out our officer's qualification cards & heard a final lecture by Major Grandgent {Maj Louis Grandgent - BIRTH 9 Oct 1887, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 23 Feb 1974 (aged 86) Frankfort, Kentucky] in a.m. Dressed and went to town after luncheon. Hotel de la Poste. About Langres all p.m. Our farewell banquet started at 6. Beaucoup champagne, speeches and a fine feed. Lt.'s Simpson, Aldrich, Clemens, Frost & Phillips and Capt. Peck all present. Came home with Mickey Cater & "Dopey Benny" in a staff limousine. Pretty dizzy but Lordy! what a time! Boy!

Letter to Aunt Nell -


Nov. 2, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell : -

Just a line to say I've just been commissioned - sworn in as a second Lieutenant, Infantry - U.S. Army - and can be addressed as such from now on.

Will try to get a cable through as soon as I learn my address - i.e. -Reg't & Co. numbers, etc.

Please write Anna, at once, upon receipt of my cable. Her address is

Miss Anna D. Kelly

1025 Park St.,

Peekskill, N.Y.

Enclosed please find some clippings and one of the last chevrons I wore.


Lieut. Clyde G. Bliss

More diary entries -

November 3, 1918, Sun.

Up at 7. Beautiful day. Cleaned up - dressed after breakfast - to town for laundry - wrote some letters. Roll call at 10 A.M. & 5 p.m. Had luncheon in officers' "Y" mess and loafed in officers club a while - back at 5. Missed (?). Bed early.

November 4, 1918, Mon. Rain.

Loafed around all a.m. - were paid our final statements. I rec'd 160 fr. In p.m. hung around - played dominoes, bought a sweater for 20 fr. and took a nap. Wrote in YMCA in evening. Pretty cold. Hear I am assigned to the 28th Division. Read tonight of Austria's surrender. Bed early.

November 5, 1918, Tues. Cloudy.

Rushed for my laundry this a.m. Hung around all day waiting orders to move. Some new Lieuts. have already left. May go to movies. Election in U.S. today. Bed early.

November 6, 1918, Wed.

In town in a.m. to do a bit of shopping, luncheon at the officers' Y, made some Q.M. purchases in p.m. & returned. Made my roll & sent it to town. We 28th Div. men marched to the Langres Sta. at 10:30. On train at 2:30. Slept all night.

November 7, 1918, Thur. Travelling

In II class cars. Left 6:30. One stop for luncheon - arrived in Toul [Toul, town, Meurthe-et-Moselle département, Grand Est région, northeastern France. It lies between the left bank of the Moselle River and the Marne au Rhin Canal, 12 miles (19 km) west of Nancy] about 7 p.m. Had fine dinner for 10 fr. in officers club - spent night smoking & talking by the fireplace in Officers YMCA clubhouse. Saw a bit of Toul.

November 8, 1918, Frid.

Up all night. Back to our train at 4 a.m. Came from Toul to Bar - le - duc - a very famous old watering place. [Bar-le-Duc is a commune in the Meuse département, of which it is the capital. It is located in northeastern France. It was long the capital of a state independent: the Duchy of Barrois. It is situated along the narrow valley of the Ornain River, west of Nancy.] Spent the day here - leaving toward night for Verdun. Travelled all night. Lots of good & promising news! Rainy.

November 9, 1918, Sat.

Went up Verdun way finally stopping at H.Q. of the 79th Div. to learn that we must go elsewhere to find the 28th. We witnessed some fine big artillery work - 79th over, and are meeting very little resistance. On train again at 8 p.m. going all night.

November 10. 1918, Sun.

Arrived at St. Dizier [Saint-Dizier, town, Haute-Marne département, Grand Est région, northeastern France. It is situated on the Marne River and the Canal de la Marne à la Saône, northeast of Troyes. On the site of the Roman Desiderii Fanum, its Gigny and Saint-Martin churches date from the 13th century.], another famous old town (am feeling bum) - had a fine breakfast - then hired a room & I slept all day - then had dinner at a hotel at 6. Then went to train. Didn't (?) so we went to officer's club & went to bed. Heard Kaiser has abdicated. Feel rotten.

November 11, 1918, Mon.

Fine day. Slept until 11. Feel Better. Then went up to town (St. Dizier) for luncheon with Bill Peel. Left St. Dizier about 12:30 p.m. on troop train - 2 class. Rode all night - slept good. All firing stopped at 11 today!


November 12, 1918, Tues.

Arrived in Bar - le - Duc about 8 a.m. [Bar-le-Duc, capital of Meuse département, Grand Est région, northeastern France. It extends out along the narrow valley of the Ornain River, west of Nancy . To the northeast is the Canal de la Marne au Rhin, on the southwest the Canal des Usines.] Went from there to Commercy [Commercy dates back to the 9th century, and at that time its lords were dependent on the bishop of Metz. In 1544 it was besieged by Charles V in person. For some time the lordship was in the hands of Jean François Paul de Gondi, cardinal de Retz, who lived in the town for a number of years, and there composed his memoirs.] About Commercy all day - pretty well shot up. Left Commercy on flat cars for the front at 6 p.m. Reached rail head - Woinville [Woinville is a village-street located at the foot of the Meuse coast, in the Regional Natural Park of Lorraine.] - in Air Corps H.Q. officer's billet. Had fine fireplace & cot. Slept well.

November 13, 1918, Wed.

Up at 8:00 - shaved. Fine breakfast - eggs, ham, toast & cakes with syrup. On narrow gauge to Div. (28) H.Q. Saw General Hay, [William Henry Hay was a United States Army officer who attained the rank of major general as the commander of the 28th Division in the final days of World War I. William Hay graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1886, and was a classmate of John J. Pershing. Hay was 22 years old when admitted to West Point, older than all his classmates by several years. As a result, his fellow cadets referred to him as "Dad," the nickname by which he continued to be known ], assigned to Co. D 112th Inf. 56th Brigade. Up to R.H.Q. in train about 4. Hiked from there to Co. which are in moss covered huts - an old German camp - very wonderful place - Boche signs, etc. Met my fellow officers & men. Fine looking chaps.

November 14, 1918, Thurs. Very nice day. Cold.

Took my platoon out in a.m. Went to Reg't'l. H.Q. in p.m. with communication report and waited until 7:15 for 40 replacements for my company. Back at 8:00 - had a lunch & went to bed early. Wrote mother.

November 15, 1918, Frid.

Had Co. out on a hike & exercises in a.m. - in p.m. I had an advance guard problem & C.O. drill - having Co. alone. At end of drill went to Major Groff. Am assigned to B.H.Q. quarters and detailed as Battalion Scout officer. Met my 1st Sgt. Wrote Anna in evening. Bed early.

Next up - more diary entries and another letter.


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