More diary entries -

October 7, 1918, Mon., Partly cloudy.

C.O. drill, bayonet & physical, map problem, patrol conference, a T.M. lecture and an approach drill in a.m. Had 2 hours of writing up a patrol (reconnoitering) problem & a 1 hour conference in counter attack in p.m. Study combat & Browning A.R. in evening. Bed early. Cold night.

October 8, 1918, Tues. Rain.

Went to Polygon for a counter - attack problem in a.m. Critique on yesterday's Map problem. Mine was perfect. Class in attack work in p.m. and an advance drill. School in defensive combat in evening. Shaved. Wrote notes. Bed at 10.

October 9, 1918, Wed., Cold - fair.

Regular old fashioned foggy morning. Had terrain exercise in jumping off attack in a.m. & a hike. Lecture on field forts & attack exercise in p.m. - then fixed stone walk. (?) Rotten meals here lately. Study 7 - 9 p.m. Now sleeping next to aisle. Cold night. No mail.

October 10, 1918, Thur., Fair.

Went to Polygon for a problem in clearing up M.G. nests & strong points & a map lecture. Work on problems and a complete trench raid write-up problem in p.m. Went to see movies in evening & studied 7 - 9. Read Pres. Wilson's reply to the Kaiser's peace proposal. Bravo! Cold night - slept bum.

October 11, 1918, Friday -

Went to Polygon in a.m. for organizing captured terrain problem & a tactical walk which proved a picnic. In p.m. lecture on problems, a critique and 1 1/2 hr. of formation & maneuvers. Beautiful day. Wonderfully interesting lecture on Defense in evening.

October 12, 1919, Sat., Cloudy. Cool.

We had insp. & then went to Polygon to (?) of the big problem - a examination (?) of all the week's subjects - whole Co. in attack. Pretty good. Drilled in assault in p.m. - bayonet & map work. To YMCA in evening. No Mail yet! Bill Devlin arrived with news of all the fellows killed off in our company - a very large list - as (?). They had an awful time at Cambrai.

October 13, 1918, Sun., Rain nearly all day.

Wrote notes & studied all day. Pretty good food. Wrote several letters. Pretty cold. Church in evening. Bed early. Big peace news came in tonight. Are they true? (NO!)

Letter to Aunt Nell -

France. Sunday Oct.13, 1919

Dear Aunt Nell -

Just a line to say I'm well, as usual, etc.

Another busy week. We finish this coming week, in our school work. The week is mostly all tests, quiz conferences, and various exercises, problems, etc. to try us in leadership ability, and all that sort of thing. This Saturday p.m. we have a 3 hour written exam - the final for all successful ones - who will be commissioned almost immediately, i.e. in less than 2 weeks, undoubtedly. Those who don't measure up in this exam will either be kicked out or given a few more weeks to develop if they are considered good men but not yet competent, So - you see - it's going to be a pretty fair shake all the way 'round. Week after we get range work - rifle, pistol & automatic rifle (?)  - for practical knowledge of the use of these weapons, etc., so - next week is the week.

I hope Dad has, by now, mailed you a check for you to cable me, or has cabled it to me himself as I may need it soon, if - I'm lucky! Ha!Ha!

Had a pretty good week just passed with good weather, good food and very interesting & instructive lectures, problems, etc. Have surely gained a lot of tactical knowledge here.

Won't write more, as I've had no mail from you in over a month, so have no questions to answer. Will close, as ever -

With love, Clyde

P.S. A chap who just came from my outfit tells me my mail was forwarded last week, so I should get it in a few days. CGB

More diary entries -

October 14, 1918, Mon., Rain & heavy fog all day.

Had C.O. drill, liaison & map lectures in a.m. and an attack exercise in p.m. and an I.D.R. (?) quiz in p.m. School 7 - 9 p.m. No mail yet. No more news except - the Germans are retreating. Studying like everthing nowadays.

October 15, 1918, Tues., Cloudy. Some rain.

Had drill, lecture on Field Fortifications, & a quiz in a.m. And a rear guard M.G. nest retreat exercise in p.m. Study 7 - 9. Peace news is now less bright. Went to movies.

October 16, 1918, Wed., Cold. Partly cloudy.

Had command of Plat. today - O.K. Had a 4 Kilo advance attack problem in a.m., a quiz exam, conference & map work in p.m. and study in evening. 13 Yankee girls gave us a dandy entertainment in YMCA. It made us think of U.S.A. Bed at taps.

October 17, 1918, Thur., Rain

Had drill & terrain exercise in attacking forests in a.m. Morse code lecture on service of security & drill in p.m. Study 7 - 9. Movies after supper.

October 18, 1918, Frid., Fair.

Had drill & bayonet in a.m., also Browning I.P.M. (?) lecture - conferences and drill. Studied like blazes in evening for tomorrow's exam & fixed up for inspection. Our Lieut. - Aldrich - the finest fellow ever! Bed at taps.

October 19, 1918, Sat.

Had C.O. drill, bayonet and review in a.m. and from 1 - 4:30 p.m. our first exams. Dead easy - Feel pretty confident now! Paid in evening for Aug. & Sept. 322.50 francs. Two movies in evening. Feel fine.

Next up - Letter to Aunt Nell.


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