More diary entries -

August 1, 1918, Thursday

Up 5:30 a.m. Made pack & (?) & hiked back to Abbeville. Washed up & had breakfast of corn willy, 'tack & tea. On train - box cars (of course!) at 9:15. Left Abbeville - going NW at 10:24 a.m. Arrived in Etaples [Étaples or Étaples-sur-Mer is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France. It is a fishing and leisure port on the Canche river.] at 12:07. Marched up to British rest camp on hill for over night. In a tent. Loafed all p.m. and cleaned up. Chatted with a Marine from Château-Thierry. Spent night here - Jerry attacked us - close chance from shrapnel. Warmer. Slept fine.

August 2, 1918, Frid.

Up 5 a.m. On train at 7. Left 7:30. Reached Boulongne at 9 a.m.; Calais - 10:30; St. Omer 1:10; Cassel 3:30 and at Esquelbecq [Esquelbecq is a commune in the Nord department in northern France.] at 5. Spent the night here in a camp for casuals. Fine night's rest.

August 3, 1918, Sat.

Up 5:45. Made ad-d (?) light pack. Back to Esquelbecq and on a train back to St. Omer. Had pork dinner (46f) (?) in St. Omer. On a RFC (? Royal Flying Corps) lorry to Regt'l H.Q. then hiked to Petit Difques. Co. came in later. Pitched tent with Jeal. Some glad to be back! Boy!

August 4, 1918, Sun.

Up 7. Cleaned up. Rec'd my mail. 27 letters! Acknowledged some of them. Pictures from Anna & Allen. Loafed all day and TALKED my head off with the bunch. Bed early. Have Lt. Bragdon as C.O. [Commanding Officer] now. Bunch of N.C.O.'s broke and lots of new ones. Warm.

A wise old owl lived in an oak.

The more he saw the less he spoke.

The less he spoke the more he heard

Soldiers should imitate that old bird.

Letter to Aunt Nell -

France. Aug. 4, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell : -

Just a line to let you know I am well, and once more back with my Co. Don't know if I will have my old platoon back or not - they all express their desire to have me - but anyhow - am with my old pal Jeal anyhow!

Rec'd my mail this a.m. - 27 letters. 9 from Anna, 5 from the folks, 2 from Claude, 3 from Grandma, 1 from you & so on. Yours was dated June 16. Very glad to hear from you - and will try to answer it more completely at my first opportunity.

Hoping to hear from you at least every 3 months, will close, as ever

With much love / Clyde


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