Letter to Aunt Nell -

Clyde's letter to Aunt Nell July 4, 1918, from Langres, France.

Knights of Columbus

War Activities

Somewhere in France

July 4, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell -

Somehow, I've an idea that you've written me one or more times since I've left U.S.A. but I've absolutely no material proof of the fact. 'Ats Right! not a single letter from you since I've been in France!

But, I've been away from my company a lot and perhaps some has come in that I've not seen. You see I've carried on in my hobbies - Scouting, Observation and Sniping and am pretty busy with it - and very persistently at my notes when not taking lectures, dictation and practicing the stunts we learn. I find that as time goes on I'm thickening and hardening in great shape, getting more endurance & strength, gradually acquiring lightning speed in movement and all that sort of thing - fact is you wouldn't know me. But, due to age, I guess, I'm not as good a shot as I used to be - could average 85%, or better, any time, but am falling off a bit, I guess lately.

We've had some pretty decent weather lately - the days have been warm, just enough to let a fellow sweat up a bit during the middle of the day - and nice cool nights. Couldn't be nicer - fact is I'm betting it's more comfortable than in New York City! Ha! Ha!

By the way - recently, I can't tell you when, where I was going or where coming from, etc. -but - recently, I was in Paris for a 24 hour stay. It was surely a wonderfully interesting day. Of course you've read of darkened Paris - and from your past experience in New York's darkness? Well, I presume my was much the same - and perhaps you've read about thr night alarms in Paris? I chanced to experience 2 of them the night I was there, when the gongs and sirens sound the houses & shops are all darkened, and the people all take refuge in subways under the streets, made for that purpose. Interesting as it was, it was deniedly(?) annoying to be ordered out of bed, especially as it was the first night I had a chance to entirely undress and sleep in a regular bed with real springs, real sheets and a real pillow since I left U.S.A.

The next day, I was around the city all day. Saw all the public buildings, museums, big stores, stations, cathedrals, and everything a man could possibly do in one day. Paris is surely some dandy town - every structure, regardless, is really overdone in its elaborate architecture and interior decorations and equipment. And - Paris has some very beautiful women. I believe the percentage of beauty is far, far higher than in any other city in the world I've ever been in. But, not understanding much of their (?) language, I didn't have a chance to talk to anyof them to see how they were equipped mentally. Anyhow - they're very fair to look upon! Ha! Ha!

Can't tell you anything about my company. Of course Sergt. Jeal is with us yet, and he's as great an old pal of mine as ever.

We celebrated the 4th here today with all sorts of athletic events in the morning, followed by lectures, concerts, etc. I spent the rest of the day writing notes, letters and shaving, etc.

Will close, for this time - hoping I hear from you very soon - as ever

With much love,


My address -

Sergt. C. G. Bliss, Co. M,

107th U. S. Infantry


Next up - Back to Clyde's diary -


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