More diary entries -

July 15, 1918, Mon., Warm, at Langres, France

Sergt.'s warrant dated 1 year ago today. Had scouting - panoramic sketching all a.m. Had practical work in S & OP's this p.m. and wrote O.P. reports, offensive & defensive range cards, sketched and repaired a S.P. Wrote notes & a few letters in evening. Bed early. Made study of Boche rifle in evening. Gas defense lecture 4 - 5:30. Very hot.

July 16, 1918, Tues., Very hot.

Had work on 100+ range - shooting at heads in window, periscopes & cans in air this a.m. Lecture on protractors, air-photos, O.P. records, and a quiz in map work, etc. Issue of new overseas caps, socks, etc. tonight. Wrote notes & few letters. Making plans on tomorrow's athletics. We were 2nd 1st week and 3rd last week (O&S section). Hottest day yet.

July 17, 1918, Wed.

Still hotter than yesterday. On 200+ range this a.m. at bullseye, disappearing walking targets. Did fairly well. Had races, tug of war, and boxing. Down for some book (?) this evening. Bed early - terribly hot.

July 18, 1918, Thur. Cooler - Some rain

We had lecture on combat patrols & capturing an enemy patrol this a.m. - excused at 10:20. On 100+ range this p.m. Shot at loop hole, M.G. [machine gun], bullseye targets and had lecture on night sniping by Lt. Eagan - and a musketry lecture by Lt. Conley. Assembled at 8:15 for a night patrol problem. Returned 11. One patrol tried to capture the other which was a reconnaissance patrol. Had very(?) lights, etc. Went very good.

July 19, 1918, Frid., Fair. Quite warm.

Up early. C.O. drill and exercises this a.m. and then made a alidade [An alidade or a turning board is a device that allows one to sight a distant object and use the line of sight to perform a task. This task can be, for example, to triangulate a scale map on site using a plane table drawing of intersecting lines in the direction of the object from two or more points or to measure the angle and horizontal distance to the object from some reference point's polar measurement. Angles measured can be horizontal, vertical or in any chosen plane.], had some practice making guesses at figures in trench, finding camouflaged men & an observation drill. Had patrolling this p.m. - in advancing toward place patrolled by enemy sentry - to capture document when sentry not looking. Great stuff. One hour of damnable gas drill. Movies in evening. Wrote mother. Bed 10:30.

July 20, 1918, Sat., Very hot. Fair.

Had drill & exercises 8 - 8:30. Then had an examination covering everything to date. Finished my papers about 11. Shaved up. Minor tactics lecture by a very able French Capt. 1 - 3. Went for laundry - wrote Anna - downtown in evening. Hot! Went to hear May Concert Co. in evening. Pianist, 2 singers & a contortionist. Fine.

July 21, 1918, Sun., Fair. A bit cooler.

Up at 7:20. Loafed, bathed, shaved, wrote & read all a.m. Went across the valley in trucks (whole O&S class) this p.m. to the Army Camouflage school, out beyond Humes and listened to a lecture on camouflage by an Engineer Cam. Officer and saw all sorts of wonderful work. Very interesting & instructive. And the trip out & back gave us some panoramic views one will never forget. Saw an old Roman road(?), this city from the opposite hills, the Marne and some other old forts, etc. Movies in evening. BE [Bed early].

Next - another letter to Aunt Nell.


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