Gap in posts due to illness.

More diary entries -

April 23, 1918, Tues., Hot. Fair.

Bayonet school and property check this a.m. Guard details this p.m. I catch Recruit Det. guard #2. 7 p.m. with 4 corps., 2 buglers & 34 men. Everyone on some outpost. Cool night.

April 24, 1918, Wed., Fair.

Guard went OK. On until 7 p.m. Back to check up & got some new equipment issued. Capt. announced that Reg't. has orders to move. Great hustle around. Bed at 12:00. Damned time. No mail from Sis since I returned.

April 25, 1918, Thur., Cooler. Windy.

Checked & packed all a.m. My platoon on clothing detail. The 3rd Battalion had final field inspection this p.m. Issued new binoculars, type E.E. ($72.00) No mail. Played rummy. Bed early.

April 26, 1918, Frid., Cold.

On detail all day. Very busy. Cold & windy. No mail. Ready to move. Rec'd about 15 new men today. Bed early.

April 27, 1918, Sat., Warmer.

St. Sgt. today. Rushed them out for reveille and was more than busy getting details all day - up to 11 p.m. Stuff all out now except barracks bags. Bed after 11. Letter from Anna.

April 28, 1918, Sunday. Fair.

Up at 7:00. Loafed around all day. Read 'Marion" (story of artist's model) - very ?ppy. [Marion: The Story of an Artist's Model by Winnifred Eaton, published 1916.] Wrote Sis this p.m. Rec'd letter from her. Markham & I went to movies this evening. Co's A, B. C & D - HQ - San, Supp. & M.G. [machine gun] gone. Anna - My gift from God. Cold.

April 29, 1918, Monday. Warm. Packed up.

Detail all day. Cleaned up other Co. Streets. Co. went on guard. On detail until 8 p.m. Lt. Cramer now in command of Co. Capt. & Lt. Wolrath gone to France. Went to movies at Regt'l. club. Slight misunderstanding with Turner. OK later.

April 30, 1918, Tuesday. Cloudy. Rain. Left C.W. [Camp Wadsworth]

Up early. Rained. Sent out our barracks bags in a.m. Fell in at 1:15 with full equipment. Marched to Fairforest - on train - left 2:30 on Southern R.R. Arrived in Richmond during night - then swung east - day coaches. 

May 1, 1918, Wednesday. Fair. Arr. Stuart

Awoke in Richmond. Left there and arrived in Newport News about 10:00. In barracks here off Hampton Roads. Lots of warships, liners, transports in harbor. Saw air planes in air. I have charge of 2nd platoon building. Very busy with exams & insp. Wrote Sis & mother. Camp Stuart - Newport News, Va. Army Embarkation Post.

May 2, 1918, Thurs., Fair. Warmer. Camp Stuart.

Up at reveille. Feel pretty bum. Had "runs" last half of night and all day. Checked some property. Drew blouse, gloves, etc. Watched air planes quite a bit. 5 in air at once. Big transport went out today - loaded. Wrote Anna. Bed early. Read "Mavericks".

May 3, 1918, Frid., Stuart. Fair & Warmer.

Good close order drill from 8:30 - 11. and 2:30 - 4:30 today. Rusty at first but it improved wonderfully. I had my 2nd platoon in all drill. Were issued the holster for our pistols today. Also signed payrolls tonight. Bed early. Men, don't know how many, arrived here tonight from 69th in France. All wounded. 1 no tongue, many (?) arms & legs gone, etc. All disabled.

Clyde's letter to Aunt Nell from Camp Stuart

Letter to Aunt Nell -

Camp Stuart,

Newport News, Va.

May 3, 1918

Dear Aunt Nell -

Just a few lines to let you know where I am and that I'm still in the USA. We left Camp Wadsworth a certain number of days ago, coming north, then east by a certain route and arrived at the embarkation camp (Stuart) near Newport News off Hampton Roads and opposite the bay from Hotel Chamberlain, on old Point Comfort. It's a very large camp here with capacity for housing several regiments at a time. We are housed in barracks - each platoon having its separate building. I, of course, am in charge of the 2nd platoon bldg. - as the officers sleep in battalion officers' barracks. My bldg. is standard size, of course, for 60 men, with plenty of windows for light & ventilation, 2 furnaces (it's a 2 story bldg.), electric lights and spring beds. Surely some place. I can look from my window over the harbor - which is filled with all sorts of ships - while, at almost any time air planes in the air.

We are getting equipped here - and will sail sometime - perhaps a day - perhaps a month. We don't know when, where from, how or where to - so there you are. Even the bit we do know can't be told, of course.

I'm arranging for a safe arrival card to be filled out for each of my dearest folks - so willing 2 or 3 days after my arrival you will receive it - mailed from embarkation point. Pretty good system - what?

Will close as - while there's many things to tell - there's nothing more I can say- as ever

With much love, / Clyde

Next up - Off to France -


  1. Bayonet school! Good heavens! And this didn't discourage him. "Anna - My gift from God.". I'm so sorry they didn't get to grow old together. Off to France....too bad it had to play out the way it did. Very good of you to transcribe these letters. Thank you. 💕


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