I wanted to summarize what our research has revealed so far with regard to the actual familial relationship between Clyde and Aunt Nell -

Clyde's mother, Bessie (Spoor) Bliss (b. 3/7/1879) was the daughter of John and Della (Sergent) Spoor of Hartwick, N.Y. We believe Della was the daughter of LeRoy and Louisa Sergent of Laurens, N.Y.

We believe Nellie Sergent (b. 1/9/1883) was the daughter of LeRoy and Mary (Adams) Sergent - LeRoy's second wife - of Laurens, N.Y. This would make Nellie the Grand Aunt of Bessie despite being born 4 years after Bessie.

It would be interesting to uncover the family tree for LeRoy Rufus Sergent.

More diary entries -

Apr. 17, 1918, Wed., Fair. Warm.

Up early. Went out for bayonet combat drill this a.m. Rec'd instructions in open & trench combat. Very strenuous. Rec'd our new 1917 Enfield model rifles, bayonets & scabbards today. Wrote letters. Bed early.

Apr. 18, 1918, Thur., Very Hot.

Had Co. drill & rifle drill this a.m. with new rifles. Had G. M. (?) drill in p.m. and co. went on guard. (Getman & Day). Very good guard mount. Bed early. 

Apr. 19, 1918, Frid., Cloudy. Rain.

Change of quarters today. Co. on guard. Col. Fiske here - arrived over a week ago. Didn't do much today. Played rummy. Bed early.

Apr. 20, 1919, Sat., Rain.

Inspection in tents this a.m. Slept & played rummy in p.m. John, Markham, & I went to town to movies this evening. Back at 12 m.

Apr. 21, 1918, Sun., Cloudy in a.m. Fair in p.m.

Up at 5:15. On detail to put up camp for recruits for the 27 Div. Turner & I, 6 corps. & 42 privates. Back at noon. John had detail this p.m. I slept all p.m. Wrote to Sis in eve. Went to services & (?) at 1 of 7 Club. (?)

Apr. 22, 1918, Mon., Warm. Fair.

Went down to 100 yard range & all auto riflemen had some practice. I made 38 hits in 48 shots prone & 16 hip shots at dist. Had our pictures taken & a property check this p.m. Wrote E.W. Bed early.

Envelope for Clyde's Apr. 22, 1918 letter to Aunt Nell.

Letter to Aunt Nell -



Dear Aunt Nell -

Just a few lines to let you know I returned all O.K. Found the letter from you (of the 14th) awaiting me - with the little book of Burns poems. Thanks a lot for both the books - guess I forgot to thank you for the other. I like them both - especially the one of various English poets. And the best is they're small enough for even a soldier to carry. The pkg. of papers was also here. The Digest was very good!

Had a very good trip from N.Y. to Spartanburg. Got down to the Pennsy station - on my train and had about a half hour before the train left. Went to sleep instantly, I guess - as I never heard the train start, even. Next thing I realized the porter woke me up in Washington. Got up, shaved and went to a restaurant opposite the Capitol Park for breakfast. There I met Sgt. Swain & Cook Spraker of my old Co. and Corp. Bliss of G Co. - and the four of us engaged a Pullman drawing room into Spartanburg. We had luncheon & dinner on the diner - so - travelled with much more privacy, comfort & luxury than we will again in a long time.

There's an awful lot of activity here now. Everything is being packed, training is being rushed through the final training stages and rumors fly about - dozens of new ones each day. We're surely leaving soon, possibly in a few days - perhaps a couple of weeks. Looks very much like Camp Mills at Mineola, to me - over on L. I. [Long Island] you know.

Have a lot of other (?) - but - it's not common property - not even supposed to be mine - so, of course, can't tell you. Will let you know as much as I can more in my next letter.

As it's very near taps - and I've got out post guard tomorrow - will close this note - hoping to hear from you soon - as ever -

With much love, / Clyde

P.S. What you know 'bout it! Haven't received a darned letter from Anna yet, since returning, and I've been here a week! Guess she's gone on a strike! Well & good, however - I'll "lay off" writing too! Ha! Ha!



  1. The analysis of the family connections is very interesting, especially who Nellie was. I could feel myself tense up when Clyde was talking about action and rumors of getting shipped out. I wonder if Anna was so upset at Clyde's decision making that she didn't want to write while she was upset. Great post! Thank you. 💕


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