More diary entries -

Apr. 7, 1918, Sun., Fair.

Up at 7:00. Slept OK. Train near Wash., D.C. 10:10 a.m. "Al", Spraker and I had bkfst. and made 11 a.m. train on Pennsy. Arrived in N.Y. about 5:40 p.m. Devil of a trip. Left N.Y. 6 and arrived in Peekskill 7:15. At Anna's for night. Cooler. And maybe my Anna wasn't a sight to gladden my heart! Oh! Boy!!!

Apr. 8, 1918, Mon., Cloudy. Rain. Home

Left Peekskill 7:40. Anna with me. Reached Albany at 11:20. Had luncheon there. Left Albany for Oneonta at 2:30, arrived about 6:00. Left on 6:40 trolly. Lunch in Oneonta. Reached home about 8:30. Visited rather late.

Apr. 9, 1918, Tues., Snow. Home.

Up early. Claude up for day. Had maple sugar & (?). Played cards, visited & smoked all day. Saw Leon & Les G. Snowed all day.

Apr. 10, 1918, Wed. Cold. Cloudy. Home.

Loafed around all morning. Anna, Doris, Delia and I all hiked over to El Refugio [Clyde's camp / cabin on Arnold's Lake] in p.m. Looked around, etc. Did not return until nearly 8. Bed rather late.

Apr. 11, 1918, Thur., Cloudy. Cold. Home.

Up at noon. Grandma $ Stan came up in p.m. William & Adrian Sloane up in evening. Quackenbushs down. Bed early.

Apr. 12, 1918, Frid., Cloudy. Snow. Home.

Up earlier. Visited in a.m. Mr. Q's house caught fire. Dad & I went up, put it out OK. Snowing. Frank Fritz over in evening. Grandma S. [Spoor] went home. Bed rather early.

Apr. 13, 1918, Saturday, Cloudy. Cold. Home.

Bruce Robinson up in a.m. & Henry Wellman over. Anna & I hiked over to lake in p.m. Built fire, looked things over, etc. Staid until 7:30. Bed early.

Apr. 14, 1918, Sun., Fair & Warmer. Home to Ilion.

Up early. Pckd up. Rode down to Roses with (?). I called on them. Sure Marion & Margaret. Rode over with Claude. Just made train. Anna & I reached Mohawk about 12. Allen & Mildred met us. (?) Turner, John & Butch called in Wally's in p.m. Staid all night at Allen's.

Apr. 15, 1918, Mon., Fair. Herkimer to Peekskill to New York.

Up early. Mildred went to train with us. Reached Peekskill 2:15. Went up to Sis's. Changed my clothes. Left Peekskill on 3:48 for N.Y. Called on Aunt Nell and got Pullman to Wash at 12:30. Slept until 8:30. 

Apr. 16, 1918, Tues., Rain in Virginia. N.J., Md., Del., Pa., D.C., Va., N.C., S.C.

Had bkfst. in Wash. D.C. Left at 8:45. Swain, Corp. Bliss & Sprake's with us. Had a Pullman drawing (?) room from Wash. to Spartanburg. Very luxurious. Fair trip. Reached Spartanburg at 12:15. In camp 12:30. Bed at once.

Next up - back in Camp Wadsworth.


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