More diary entries -

Mar. 13, 1918, Wed., Fair

Had some maneuver work in a.m. - 2 nights out. Paid in p.m. I rec'd $14.75. Co. went on guard. I went to town, to show, bath, barber, supper. Back in at 8. Bed at taps. Bought new watch. Sent pictures of range, medals, etc. home by P.R. (?)

March 14, 1918, Thur., Fair.

Co. on guard and regt'l detail. Sent out laundry. Bought stamps and paper. Wrote few letters in a.m. & p.m. Read "The Hundredth Chance." Bed early. Very warm.

[The Hundredth Chance by Ethel M. Dell. Published 1917 - sort of a British romance of sorts]

Mar. 15, 1918, Frid., Cold. Windy.

Had a big sham battle this a.m. Whole brigade's involved. Used blank ammunition. Capt. Coleman promised me a furlough. Wrote Dad & Anna about it. Auto rifle school p.m. Went to movies of instruction. Bed at taps.

Mar. 16, 1918, Saturday. Fair.

Reg. insp. this a.m. Wrote few letters. Over to call on Toddy & (?) this p.m. Toddy came back with me. A bit warmer today. Letter from Cecil. 

Mar. 17, 1918, Sunday. Rain.

Up at 5:45. Raining. We (?) our parkas & prepared to go into the trenches. In at 8 a.m. (?) something fierce. Got organized at last and are manning trenches in first 3 lines. Call this 125th, 116th, and 59th sts. We are between 3rd and Park Ave. Everything going OK. In for 72 hrs. Am with Lt. Palmer.

Mar. 18, 1918, Monday. Fair.

Slept a little in a.m. We expected an attack on our trenches so prepared for it. Every - fired on us for a while, which fire we returned. Did not attack us. Went on patrol tonight. Destroyed enemy's camouflaged cannon. All well.

Mar. 19, 1918, Tues., Cloudy.

Busy day. Quiet on front line. Slept a while. Rained some. On patrol again all night, clashed with another patrol. Captured enemy raiding party of 9 men & 1 sgt. Very exciting night as we expected an attack. Slept a bit between 2 & 4 as Turner patrolled for me. Cooler.

Mar. 20, 1918, Wed., Rain.

Went out for now as C-107 relieved us. Guarded them in. Lost part of their platoon on way in. Got our men out about 8:20. Back in st. changed clothes, cleaned up gas mask, lunch at noon. Slept until 6. Wrote Sis & CJB. Bed at 10. Cleared up, cooler.

Mar. 21, 1918, Thur., Fair.

Had rifle insp. this a.m. Cleaned up equipment. Had 2 hrs. C.O. [close order] drill this p.m. Us Sgts. now have a brand new tent. Reveille at 5:45 and retreat at 5:40. Letters from Anna, Mother & Laura C.

Mar. 22, 1918, Frid., Fair. Very Warm.

Drilled in C.O., etc. this a.m. Cleaned equipment this p.m. Rec'd 50 bucks from CJB [Claude] today. Capt. told me I could go on furlough about Apr. 6. Wrote home & Sis. Read & cleaned up for insp. Bed early. 

Mar. 23, 1918, Sat., Cloudy.

Fine insp. this a.m. Had regt'l quarterly sing just before lunch. Went to town with Neal & Crowley. Cashed a check. Went to shows, had supper, etc. Lost 5 bucks in a short change deal at restaurant. (?) Some rain. Bed at 11.

Mar. 24, 1918, Sun., Cloudy. Rain.

Went to town this a.m. Back at 12:30. Nothing doing with dud guy in restaurant - out 5 bucks for my fool headaches. Read & slept this p.m. Wrote Dad. Loafed in evening. Bed early.

Mar. 25, 1918, Mon., Fair.

Beautiful day. Co. on guard. "King" Getman 27 today. Slept all forenoon. Wrote letters this p.m. Sergt. Carty made claim today that we would be in France June 15, 1918. Went to discipline movie. Bed 9:30.

Mar. 26, 1918, Tues., Fair.

Cold last night. Had 2 hours bayonet & physical drill this a.m. Had sham battle this p.m. 2 battalions involved - us - browns - won out. Dead tired. Went to more [training] movies in evening. Bed at 8:45. Cold evening.

Mar. 27, 1918, Wed., Fair.

On trench guard - I have the 4-8 a.m. & p.m. relief. Went to Base Hosp. for old measles exam at 9 this morning. Went on guard from 4 to 8 this evening - and go on again from 4 - 8 in the morning. Warm night. Wonderful supper tonight.

Mar. 28, 1918, Frid. Good Friday. Fair.

Went to Good Friday church service this a.m., cleaned my rifle and had my messkit cleaned. No formations at all, no retreat. Wrote few letters. No mail. Played rummy. Bed early.

Mar. 29, 1918, Sat., Fair. Very Warm.

Had regular Co. cot & tent insp. by Plat. officers this a.m. - and then we were insp. by Major Sherman - and then we had venereal insp. No one caught in latter. Read all p.m. and slept. Rummy. Set watch ahead 1 hour today - Time ahead 1 hour.

Mar. 30, 1918, Sunday. Warm. Fair.

Muster this morning at reveille. Slept all a.m. Wrote letters to Sis, Aunt Nell, mother & L.C. and played rummy this p.m. Beat Jeal 3 games. Bed at 10:00.

Next up - Mar. 30th letter to Aunt Nell and more diary entries.



  1. Thank you for mentioning what the book was about that he read. I would have guessed it would have been a rousing tale of adventure that would appeal to a guy but it sounds like he was hoping for a more human connection. Thanks for transcribing this. 💗🙏


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