Before getting into more of Clyde's diary entries, I want to shed some light on what has come to our attention regarding Aunt Nellie - the addressee for the letters presented in these posts. With the help of Brian Tabor, the Borrower Services Supervisor at Forbes Library in Northampton MA we now have an obituary (Utica Daily Press, June 1960) for Nellie. We have an entry in 'The Otsego Farmer & Republican' on June 1, 1967, regarding Bessie (Spoor) Bliss. We also have a photocopy of Nellie's birth record obtained by Lisa. Now we have this information to consider -

From the obituary and birth record we learn the following - Nellie's birth was recorded as Jan. 9, 1883, in the Town of Laurens, Otsego County, NY. The recorded name is Nellie Mary Sergeant. Her mother was Mary E. (Adams) Sergeant, age 40 and her father was LeRoy R. Sergeant, no age recorded. Nellie died in June 1960. The obituary identifies her parents as Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sergent. Additionally, there is also information that claims her parents were LeRoy & Louisa (Wright) Sergent with the same birth date.

 Obituary (Utica Daily Press, June 1960) for Nellie 

From Bessie Bliss' obituary in "The Otsego Farmer & Republican" (Cooperstown, NY), Thurs., June 1, 1967, Page Five, we find that Mrs. Bessie L. Bliss (Clyde's mother) was born March 7, 1879, in the Town of Hartwick, the daughter of John and Della (Sergent) Spoor. Bessie died Sunday, May 28, 1967. 

While further research is underway to clear up the discrepancy in Nellie's parentage and verifying her siblings, it has become likely that Nellie is Clyde's grand aunt in that Bessie's mother, Della, and Nellie were sisters. As more information comes our way, it will be added to these posts.

More diary entries -

Feb. 17, 1918, Sun., Warm. Cloudy
Street Sgt. today. Letter from Laura Cleveland. Wrote a few letters, read & smoked. Dull day. Bed at taps.

Feb. 18, 1918, Mon., Cold. Fair.
Had athletic tests today. Went to Base Hosp. for heart & lung exam, following my measles, in a.m. Had jumping, running, etc. tests.

Feb. 19, 1918, Tues., Cool. Rainy.
No drill except some musketry exercises. Loafed around most all day. Co. went to lecture on artillery. I had the runs so turned in early. Had a rotten night! Rained of & on.

Feb. 20, 1918, Wed., Cloudy. Rain a.m. Fair p.m.
Had musketry drills and auto-rifle school in a.m. Went to town this p.m. for bath, nitrosolvent (?), etc. Back for retreat. Letter from sis. Wrote her.

Feb. 21, 1918, Thurs., Fair.
Great day! Had musketry drill, setting up exercises & bayonet drill today. Corp. Jeal promoted to Sergt. yesterday. Crowley, Getman & I went over to 1st. in evening. Went to bed at taps.

Feb. 22, 1918, Friday, Cloudy. Cold. Some snow.
Had Sunday reveille this a.m. The whole Division assembled at 10 a.m. on Div. field for Div. Band concert and had whole 27th Div. photographed. Men away on 48 hour pass over Washington's Birthday & weekend. Very cold night. Pete Smith& I played cards. Bed late.

Feb. 23, 1918, Sat., Fair & Warmer.
Reg. Insp. this a.m. Went OK. Jim came over after - looks pretty bad. He staid for luncheon. Prep for guard - Crowley & I went on at 4:00 for Regt'l guard. Went OK.

Feb. 24, 1918, Sun., Fair. Strong winds.
Didn't sleep much last night. Up at 2:30 - and John slept until morning. Excellent guard in ever respect. Relieved by M.G. Co. Wrote. Read. Bed early. Dead tired.

Feb. 25, 1918, Mon., Cloudy. Cool wind.
Had 3 hour hike this a.m. with full equipment. Bombing & musketry work rest of day. Wind blew like blazes all night.

Feb. 26, 1918, Tues., Fair. Cool. Strong wind.
Had 2 hour hike this a.m. I guided, coming back. Pulled their co-ho right!(?) Finished a.m. with bombing instructions. Had bayonet school & auto rifle class exams. Went to inst. movies - eve.

Feb.27,1918, Wed., Fair. Warm. Greato!
Wonderful day. Am street Sgt. - quite busy - as I had to all passes, ans, 1st Sgt's call. - Co. had a 14 mile hike today. Co. off this p.m. Bed early.

Fib. 28, 1918, Thurs., Very Warm. Fair.
Co. mustered in this a.m. and had 40 odd men for musketry instruction from 9 - 11:30. Had pack inspection this p.m. Dismissed at 3 p.m. Warmest day yet. N.C.O. school. Bed early. Letters from Dad, Sis, Dot S., Geo. Gokey, Art Scott, Laura Cleveland & Margaret today.

Next up - Clyde makes it to the rifle range.


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