Diary entries -

Aug. 1, 1917, Wed., Hot as Hell

Drill in morning. Three men fell down from heat. Afternoon all went swimming. Went to movies. Saw - "The Family Name." This is the middle of the 3rd week we have been in camp - very little rain all this time and extremely hot.

Aug. 2, 1917, Thur., very hot

Sultry morning. Started on hike at 8:30 up Paine's Hollow road, down through woods to Fort Herkimer Road then back 11:10. Nothing doing this p.m. I took a bath. Have badly chafed legs. Went to movies - saw "The House With The Golden Windows." Hot! Hot! A little rain this p.m.

Letter to Aunt Nell -

August 3, 1917 / Camp Weller

Dear Aunt Nell:-

When you wrote me, it was too hot for a letter - so you sent a "vest pocket model." Now, it's too cool to sit still long - so you can expect exactly less than a book!

I awefully envy you your opportunity to study, as, as I grow older - there has been born in my being a longing to learn more - to study - to reach out to bigger things - for a broader, higher realm of thought - and - today - as my former successful career has ended - and with the exception of a dozen odd thousands, I am only a soldier - and - some sort of a man among men!

We lose four to six men daily - through the heat! They go down - plunk - and we put 'em to bed! Today, it's cooler - and - on a 9 mile hike we only lost 3 - all through physical exhaustion & sore feet. That's a good record, you know!

Well, I'm now a genuine sergeant! When we go into the field - I'll have a platoon of 4 or 5 squads and - what a chance to make good! I said genuine because - firstly a sergt's job is a real job anyhow, secondly because I've more than made good! Listen - among my duties, of the daily routine of camp - I have the following, as my share - I conduct morning physical exercises (1/2 hour daily). I instruct in bayonet fencing, set the pace on the hikes, supervise sanitary work around camp, keep up the punishment records, finding enough work for the punished men, lecture on first aid, extended outer skirmish work, trench work, nomenclature on firearms, including all such ballistics as trajectory, energy, velocity at all ranges, sighting, windage, mirage, etc., on discipline, military courtesy, etc., etc. and the other Sergts. study and bone[?] away and this Sergt. gets all the good jobs, the hard jobs and the real ones! When no officers are here, I drill the Company! It's surely my old luck - can't seem to shake it!

Must close as there is a quarrel down in one of the tents, and if I don't hurry down & stop it I'll have to knock a dozen of 'em cold before I get it quiet again!

Write soon

With lots of love / Clyde

Diary entries -

Aug. 3, 1917, Friday, cool

Weather dandy. Nice cool breeze. We had close and extended order drill this a.m. for 3 hours. After dinner we hiked about 9 miles - 1:00 - 4:10. Dusty - but only 3 men fell out.

Aug. 4, 1917, Sat.

Drilled in forenoon. Went to doctor for chaffing, took bath, shaved, etc. in afternoon.

Aug. 5, 1917, Sun., Hot

Loafed around in the forenoon. Went down to armory awhile. Went to ball game with Sergt. Swain after dinner. Herkimer vs. Oneida Community [Oneida Community in New York. The Oneida Community was a Perfectionist communal society dedicated to living as one family and to sharing all property, work, and love.] score H -7 = O.C. -2. Taken sick at night. Called on Richardson's in evening.

Aug. 6, 1917, Mon., Hot

Up at 5. In charge of camp today. Hiked to range this morning. Sick, with cramps in stomach all day. All rookies shot today. I slept all day. Rode back in truck at 4. Feeling a little better tonight.

Aug. 7, 1917, Tues., warm

Up at 5:10. Reg. ex. Vigorous drill in a.m. & p.m. After supper we formed up for parade, march to Herkimer - Big parade - 4 or 5 bands, Co.'s A & B of 2nd. Inf. & Red Cross, etc., etc. Address by famous local men, etc. Great time.

Aug. 8, 1917, Wed.

Rainy. Drilled part of both a.m. & p.m. Al Swain's brother "Bill" and wife were up with food for Al & I. We left on 8:37 for Little Falls, called on his friend, Maude and I met Miss Pauline Kilmer. Had a fine time. Took Miss Kilmer home. We got in camp at 1:10 Thursday a.m.

Aug. 9, 1917, Thurs.

Rainy. Rained, so we cannot drill in a.m. I slept until noon. Hiked 7 miles in 1 hr. 40 mins. (to Ilion & Herkimer & back). To bed early. Put up new pyramidal tents today.

Aug. 10, 1917, Friday, warm

Worked at pitching new tents, fixing up our camp, etc.  Corp. Keno & I went for a tree in p.m. Cots came so I am now sleeping on a nice one. 2 letters from Anna. Wrote to Claude.

Aug. 11, 1917, Sat., Hot

Drilled in forenoon. Allen Hoke came up for a couple days. He wound up sick after dinner. The bunch arrived from Oswego around 6:45. We left at 7:00 for Little Falls. Farewell parade given there in Co.'s A&B of the 2nd. Inf. honor. We lost the 3rd platoon in it. Returned 11:00. Out.

Aug. 12, 1917, Sunday, Hot

Up 5:50. Cold night. Sized up Co. and gave assignments to squads. 16 squads. Allen Hoke & Earl called. Slept all afternoon. Evening parade. Great event! Charge of quarters all evening.

Aug. 13, 1917, Monday, Very hot

Drill under all 3 officers this a.m. Hiked from 1-4 in p.m. - about 8 miles - 2 rests. Everyone made it O.K. Lead platoon. Saw Theda Bara star in "The Tiger Woman" this evening. Warm, close.

Aug. 14, 1917, Tues.

Rained in a.m. Hiked about 6 miles in rain 2/3rds of way. Change of quarters in eve.

Aug. 15, 1917, Wed., cloudy

Drilled very intensively this a.m. Reg. ex. this a.m. Gang went swimming this p.m. Rained from 3:30 - 5:00 & from 6:30 on. Staid in camp.

Aug. 16, 1917, Thurs., Cloudy, warm

Reg. Ex. Intensive drill this a.m. Hiked 11 or 12 miles this p.m. I had 1st aid job 5 men to care for. News came today that we leave Sat. night. Went to movies in evening. Very tired. Bed 10:45

Aug. 17, 1917, Frid., cloudy, warm

Drilled in forenoon. P.M. off. "Al" and I went to Herkimer. I called on Murph. We went to movies. After retreat we had speeches, rec'd New Testaments, charge of camp tonight for Sgt. Grose. Cooler.

Aug. 18, 1917, Sat., cooler, The day we left Mohawk.

Up at 5:10. Reg. Ex. Broke camp this a.m. Generally prepared to leave. Mother, Doris, Delia, Claude, & Grandma Spoor up for the day. Mess at 5:00. Retreat at 6:00. 

Written 1:00 a.m. Sunday - Left Mohawk about 10:30. Came through to Rensselaer on West Shore. Then shifted to N.Y. Central - I awoke this morning before we reached West Point. "Al" and I studied the Point a lot. Passed through Peekskill at 7:00.

Picture from winter 1916 at Peekskill State Camp
Clyde and Co. M mascot, Nanny

Observations- It seems that things in Co. M are coming together for Clyde and that he is adapting to his status as Sergeant. No mention of where the unit is headed.

Next up for posting on 5/11 - Setting up camp in Van Cortland Park in the North Bronx and more activities.


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