Starting with more diary entries.

July 15, 1917 - Mohawk - Left El Refugio Sunday.

Got camp [El Refugio] ready to leave. Left camp about 11. Took dinner at home. Came to Mohawk on 5:11 car, arriving 7:28. Reported at armory. Staid all night at Richardsons.

July 16, 1917, Mohawk, Monday

Reported at Armory. Co. M. was inspected, etc. Physical exams started. Toombs and I had detail of making camp. Am up for Sgt.

July 17, 1917, Mohawk, Tuesday

Reported at Armory. Had my physical exam. Had latrine tent detail. First night to sleep in tent.

July 18, 1917, Post Card to Nellie 1st

Dear Aunt Nell: - Well, our Co. is assembled, and everything is going full speed. I am up for Sergeant as I expected - and presume I'll make it all O.K. We are getting "Federalized" now. Are in camp here now at park - "Camp Weller." Had physical exam today. Don't know if I have passed for sure, but expect to all O.K., will write more later.


Co. M. 1st. Inf. - Mohawk, NY

[Diary entries resume] 

July 18, 1917, Wednesday

Put on guard, then hauled off. Received Sgt. chevrons. Had property inspection. Band concert in evening. 

July 19, 1917 - Camp Weller [Mohawk, NY]

Dear Aunt Nell:

Your letter of the 15th received today. Was glad to hear from you. Wrote you a card yesterday. Am very busy, we have just been mustered in. I passed the physical exams and appointed officially as Sergeant.

I shall make this short as we are awfully busy. Lord only knows how many new rookies we have and I am assigned 5 squads - (40 men, i.e. 35 privates & 5 corporals) and believe me, it is some work pounding them into shape.

I am drilling them 5 hours a day, have roll calls, details to arrange and a dozen duties - then I have to study school of company, school of battalions, signals, etc., we have daily non-com schools and I have lots of letters, so I'm more busy than ever before.

Write me often, as I appreciate your letters always. Will, on each change of address, write you to that effect.

Will close for this time, as ever

with love,



Sergt. Clyde G. B-

Co.M. 1st. Inf.

Mohawk, NY


July 19, 1917, Thursday

Co. Drill 1 hour, then we marched to armory. Divided into 2 platoons of 5 squads each and I drilled 1 platoon. After dinner muster roll was called, men marched to armory. Sergt. Swinner & I were left in quarters. I have passed out tonight.

July 20, 1917, Friday

Had squad & platoon drill in morning. Also in afternoon. 9:30 - 11 and 1 - 3:30. Worked out a lot of new stunts. After mess, at which we were given tobacco, went down to Richardson's for early evening. Studied and wrote letters later.

July 21, 1917, Saturday

Drilled in morning. After mess some were excused until Sun. night. Went to Wallace's in p.m. then in evening went to movies.

July 22, 1917, Sunday  Hot

Great day. Father & mother, the twins [Doris & Delia] & Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Pride drove up [130 miles one way] for the day. Enjoyed their visit immensely. They staid until 3:45. Took D & D for a soda. Band concert a 3. Ice cream and cake dinner. Went to church with Wallace. Very good sermon.

July 23, 1917, Monday  Hot as Hell

Drilled four hours. Very hot. Geo. Gokey & I moved to dog tent. Had teeth examined. To bed early.

July 24, 1917, Tuesday  Hotter 'n Hell

Drilled 2 1/2 hrs in a.m., 2 hrs, in p.m. Rifle drill. Normal retreat practice, etc. Visited Richards in evening.

July 25, 1917, Wed.,  C.J.B.' s [Claude's] birthday   Hot as Hell

Drilled in morning. I inspected and checked duties in p.m. Had formal retreat and evening parade. Band concert.

July 26, 1917, Thurs.

Very hot. Platoon and Co. drill in a.m. Extended order & platoon drill in p.m. Formal parade in evening. Very successful drills today.

July 27, 1917, Friday, warm

Cloudy part of day. Platoon drill & extended order in a.m. Skirmish work, assimilating battle conditions in p.m. Very good work, realistic - final charge great / short retreat tonight. Have new setting up exercises for them in a.m.

Camp Weller - July 1917
Clyde, ?, Lt. Swain

July 28, 1917, Saturday, warm

Up 5:20 as usual. No drill. Practical Co. fire in morning. Dinner at 11. We then marched to Herkimer and took 12:15 train N. to Newport [southeast of Utica]. Attended military funeral of Col. Elwood W. Evans, U.S.A. Went fine. We were strong - 56 men, 8 corps., 4 sgts., 1st Sgt., 2nd. lieut., & capt. Arrived home about 6:30 OK

July 29, 1917, Sunday, warm, rain

Exercises in a.m. No drill. Claude & Grandma Spoor came up to spend day. They staid for band concert by Fort Dayton band and parade & formal retreat. Chas. Voight put under arrest for firing piece. Some rain.

July 30, 1917, Monday, very hot

Reg. Ex. [Regular exercises] Took 2 1/2 hour hike this a.m. Had Art of War read and general discussion in p.m. Band concert in evening. The Italian Band. Wrote letters.

July 31, 1917, Tues., Hot

Reg. Ex. Drilled in morning. Lecture on rifles and rough extended order in afternoon. Big supper put on by Rebeccas - chicken, etc.

Observations - Clyde's duty at Oswego has ended; he's had leave time, and he's now stationed at Camp Weller in Mohawk, NY. The NY 1st Inf. has been federalized, Clyde has been promoted to Sgt., and the men are beginning to resemble a military unit.

Up next for posting on 5/8 - More diary entries and letters.


  1. It's enlightening to see how he spent his days. Excellent job of transcription, those old diaries are often hard to read. 🙏


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