More diary entries while encamped at Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, NY

Aug. 31, 1917, Friday, Warm, Fair
Had inspection & battalion muster by Maj. Sherman this morning. After dinner we had heart & lung exam. Every one there. We were congratulated on our efficiency in being on time, etc. Staid in and wrote letters.

Sept. 1, 1917, Saturday, Cool, Rainy
Had regular inspection this morning - then short arm inspection. Non-com school also in afternoon. After dinner I went to hosp. with service records to get them all stamped - back at 4:10. "Al", "Joe", and I went down to 42nd St. Fed in the Automat, looked around some, went to the American Roof Garden [I'm sure this was New York City’s old Hotel Majestic roof garden] - back at 11:00 - Good crowd on subway both ways. Cool in evening.

Sept. 2, 1917, Sunday, Cloudy - warm
Up before 7:00. Washed and shaved, changed my clothes. Toombs and I went down about 10:30 to Brooklyn Bridge, then to Park Row, then over on Broadway, up Broadway to Child's restaurant at 42nd St. for dinner. Then up on the L to 72nd St. then to Am. Museum of Nat. Hist. Staid until nearly 4. Back in camp on time - just. Had evening parade. Staid in during evening. Warm

Sept. 3, 1917, Monday, Labor Day, Warm - Fair
Up before 7:00. Left for downtown about 10:30 - looked around - seeing B'way & 5th Ave. to my heart's content. Lunch in 7th St. L. R. Went to Union Sq. theatre for the afternoon - Burlesque. Back in camp before 4:00. Anna was down with a girl friend - staid until after retreat. This is probably the last time we'll see each other until the day when I can go and ask her to be mine forever! Steve and I played cards this evening. Anna sent me my birthday ring today - it's a beaut. Cool tonight.

Sept. 4, 1917, Tues., Cool in morning - warmer in mid-day. Big Hike! Up 5:30, prepared for hike, after breakfast - 8:15 we left for Pelham Bay Park - 6 1/2 miles away - arriving 10:30. We loafed around, had dinner, saw all there was to see and left about 2:30 getting in in time for retreat - making over 13 miles today - some tired tonight. Everyone came through pretty good. Cold again tonight - but - OK to sleep.

Sept. 5, 1917, Wed., Cool air - fairly warm through mid-day.
Had close order drill this a.m. I had Co. a few minutes as did 2 other Sgts. This p.m. we went up into the woods for practical talks and guard. Eddie & I picked out a trail home and I as left guide, lost it! Back in time nonetheless. Went to Proctor's Theatre in Yonkers & took shower bath at YMCA in evening. Back 10:45. Very cold night.

Sept. 6, 1917, Thurs., Cold - cloudy a.m. - warmed up.
Rainy this morning so we didn't go out until 10., in 11:15. Had non com school 1-2. Out drilling 3-4. Pay day at 4:15. I received for August, just $38.00. Went to Yonkers in evening. Couldn't get in P.O. to send money home.

Sept. 7, 1917, Frid. - Cool in a.m. warmed up, fair.
Drilled stiff - battalion - in a.m. Had good stiff hike this p.m. Letter from Murph. Staid in this evening. Sent $30 to Claude today by mail.

Sept. 8, 1917, Sat., Cold - Rainy
Inspection this morning. Wrote letters. Loafed around all afternoon. Staid in evening. Damned cold.

Sept. 9, 1917, Sun., Cool in a.m., warmed up.
Up at 7. Cleaned up, phoned Aunt Nell. In camp all day. Took Lt. Palmer's sister up to see Co. M. go through mount. Aunt Nell & friend up to see evening parade. Wrote letters & smoked during evening. Very cold at night - not out at all.

Sept. 10, 1917, Mon., Very cold & windy all day2 1/2 hrs. stiff drill this a.m. And it was good and stiff! Marched over to see 1st battalion in evening parade. Not out of camp at all today. Wrote letters.

Sept. 11, 1917, Tues., Cold winds - warm sun.
Good stiff drill - close order both afternoon & morning. Had evening parade - 3rd battalion Co. M's line was the best of all. Rec'd 7 letters & 1 card today. Wrote letters all evening. Cold as Hell tonight. Not out of camp today. $2.00 col. from T.O.P. [?]

Sept. 12, 1917, Wed., Fairly warm.
Drilled close order all day. Evening parade - 2nd battalion. We saw it. Went down to Aunt Nell's. We dined - then saw "The Country Cousin". Got back to camp 12:20 - had fine time. Cold night.

Sept. 13, 1917, Thur., Warm.
Had regular drills. I had charge of quarters all day so did not drill. Went to bed early. Cool night again.

Sept. 14, 1917, Frid. Hot.
Good stiff drill this morning. Finally as stiff this p.m. too. Our battalion had evening parade tonight. 1st Sgt. Williams led Co. M. Wrote letters tonight. Cold again. Foot inspection today. Tired tonight. Bed early.

Sept. 15, 1917, Sat., Cold - cloudy.
Inspection this morning. It lasted until early noon. Loafed around all afternoon. Wrote up Co. G news. Bed early.

Sept. 16, 1917, Sun. My Birthday, 22 today, Coudy.
Up before 7:00. Immediately after breakfast, Jud, Ed Grose & I left for Peekskill, we arrived at 9:30. I went up to Anna's. She was just up! We walked up to Aunt Annie's & Uncle Bill's, leaving at 11:00. They weren't home, so we came back on Lake Mohican [Mohegan] car [trolley]. Dinner with Sis. Back on 2:37 - evening parade. We are all confined to quarters this eve.

Sept. 17, 1917, Mon., Cool - cloudy.
Stiff drill this a.m. Long hike this afternoon - was taken sick on hike. Walked in however. Bed at 7:15. feeling bum.

Sept. 18, 1917, Tues., Fair - warm
Sick - went to hospital. They told me I had la grippe [influenza] & told me to stay in quarters. (?) and wrote letters all day. Feel bum.

Hospital - 1st N.Y. Inf.

Sept. 19, 1917, Wed., Fair - warm
Sick. Went to hosp. Confined to quarters all day. Felt better at night - went to Yonkers for bath & went to Proctors.

Sept. 20, 1917, Thurs., Fair - Hot
Went to hosp. Got marked duty. Drilled 1 1/4 hrs. Some double time. Did so good we came in 15 mins. early by order of Maj. Sherman. Reg. drill this p.m. Double parade tonight. First regular way, then double time. Am dead tired tonight. Wrote a few letters & went to bed.

Sept. 20, 1917, Frid., Warm - Fair
Drill in a.m. Washed up some equipment - went to guard mount at 4. Best Guard mount yet! Grose was Com. of Guard. I had Sergt. of Guard. Everything went well - smooth as glass. I staid up until 1:30. Very busy at Post 1.

Sept. 22, 1917, Sat., Cool - windy -fair
Up at 5:00. On guard all day. Busy from one detail to another. Col. Bayer said our tour of guard was the best yet in every respect. Came off at 4:30. Short retreat. Went to Yonkers. To bed early. Dog tired.

Sept. 23, 1917, Sun., Warm. Fair.
We have been here 5 weeks today. Expect to move Tues. Slept most all day. Feel bum. Went to bed early. Cold. Aunt Nell up in p.m.

Sept. 24, 1917, Mon., Cool - Fair
Broke Camp. Packed up everything and cleaned up the place. Then pitched day tents. Went to Yonkers (to Proctor's) in evening. 

Observations - Co. M seems to have been in a holding pattern awaiting the opening of regular training facilities. Clyde's commitment to Anna seems to have strengthened. 

Up next - Leaving Van Cortlandt Park and heading south.


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