
Showing posts from August, 2022
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Clyde's diary contains the following entries on the "Memoranda" page immediately preceding his diary entry for Feb.1, 1918 - "To all good fellows like you." Wilbur D. Nesbit    [Wilbur Dick Nesbit, also known by the pen name Josh Wink, was an American poet and humorist. He is most known for his poem, Your Flag and My Flag, which was popular during World War I.] As I roam here and there, ere my journeyings end, May I always find friends just as true. May Dame Fortune in kindness my daily path bend To a bunch of good fellows like you. In this life I have found that we get what we give. We are done to, forsooth,  as we do, So my prayer is that I may live while I live With a bunch of good fellows like you. Feb. 1, 1918, Frid., Cold. Cloudy. Base hosp. Don't feel very ambitious today. Wrote some. Read a lot. Miss Dureland other young nurse. Miss Holmes - older day...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Diary entries while still in Camp Wadsworth Base Hospital - Jan. 27, 1918, Sun., Cloudy, later sunshine. Base hosp. Had toothache so didn't sleep very well last night. Good breakfast. Wrote a few letters. Had chicken, bread, mashed potatoes & gravy, pickles, coffee, celery & pudding for lunch. Some feed. Wrote mother, Allen & Sis. Fair supper. Took dose of salts. Felt slightly better at 8 p.m. Jan. 28, 1918, Mon., Colder. Cloudy. Base hosp. Up early. Slept fine last night. Good meals. Wrote a few letters, read some & smoked. Remember "Charlie" - attendant. Six new "members" today. Day passed easy. Sleep early. Jan. 29, 1918, Tues., Cold. Cloudy. Rain. Base hosp. Good meals. Read Gas Attack T F & S [probably a field training manual], smoked & wrote a bit today. Feel fine. Nurse - Miss Sharkey has measles now! Letters from Sis, Dot, Bernice ...