
Showing posts from June, 2022
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] More diary entries - Dec. 13, 1917, Thur., Sleet part of the day. Cold. Cloudy. Had hike & tent inspection this a.m. Had lecture on gasses & use of gas masks this p.m. and a half hour of close order - also some tent instruction and study. Selee detailed today for skipping school. Cold at night. Wrote Uncle D. Bed early. Dec. 14, 1917, Frid., Fair. Sunshine. Cool. Had 1 hour hike this a.m. Then school in tents on wig wag - and drill in close order from 11 to 11:30. Snow is beginning to melt. Did not drill until 3 p.m. Then had close order from 3 - 4. Prepared for inspection tomorrow. Letters from Sis, Dot, Margaret, Grandma Spoor & Rev. Moody. Bed late. Dec. 15, 1917, Sat., Fair. Quite cold but clear. Had regular inspection this a.m. by Major Sherman. Was mighty stiff inspection. Sgt. Turner & I went to town this p.m. for a bath and I sent for my Xmas photos. Were back fo...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Dec. 7, 1917, Frid., Partly cloudy. Heavy frost last night. Ground very white this a.m. Close order drill all day. Went very well. Was all alone with platoon today. Selee, St. Sgt. & Mac sick. Very interesting school in wave formation tonight. Prepared for inspection & wrote Anna this evening. Bed 10. Dec. 8, 1917, Sat., Cold. Rainy. Cloudy. Windy. Rained this morning. Did not have reveille, nor regular inspection. Just tent inspection. Loafed around. Went over & visited old 1st in afternoon. Rec'd $16.80 from Piers. Bed early. Dec. 9, 1917, Sunday, Terribly cold. Coldest yet. Froze stiff last night. Water works out of business. Ruller & I went for a walk this a.m. I called on Ernest Auger in forenoon, too. Coldest weather seen in S.C. yet. Went to lunch - had cold salmon, cold cabbage & bread. Rotten as hell! Cook out of sorts, over theft of wood, etc. so take i...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] More diary entries - Nov. 28, 1917, Wed., Cold. Cloudy. Windy. We drilled - had talk on going into our trench sector & hiked in overcoats this a.m. Very windy - air full of dust. Went to barber shop this p.m. Loafed & read. School in p.m. and evening. Letters from Howard Field & Frank Yates. Ans'd. Bed early. Nov. 29, 1917, Thur., Thanksgiving Day. Rainy. Cold. Went over and made complete study of trench system, going all through the sector we are to occupy tomorrow night. Had sweet corn bread, jam, & coffee for lunch. Big feed at night. Slept all afternoon and wrote Spike and grandma. Had turkey, gravey, cranberry sauce, plum pudding, cocoa, bread & butter, mince pie, mashed potatoes & (?). Talked in evening & smoked. Bed early. Nov. 30, 1917, Frid., Cold. Cloudy. Some rain. Had monthly muster this a.m. and signed payrolls. School at 1:30. Prepared to go...
 [ NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS SERIES FOR THR FIRST TIME, IT'S BEST TO START AT THE BEGINNING] Start with more diary entries - Nov. 13, 1917, Tues., Cloudy. Wind cold as hell. Drilled this morning and afternoon. Was very cold - had lots of extended order [drill]. The wind blowed hard all day. Day seemed awfully long. 3 excellent meals today! Great! Wrote letters tonight. Bed early. Nov. 14, 1917, Wed., Fair. Windy. Cold as Hell. Drilled this forenoon under our new lieutenant - Stout - very snappy. Changed tents - we are now in tent 24. Was in 18. Have a new board floor. Worked all the afternoon. Cold night. Bed early. Nov. 15, 1917, Thur., Fair. Sunny. Cool breeze. Good drill this a.m. Had lectures, etc. this p.m. Put up the walls to our tent. Had 3rd inoculation this p.m. Wrote several letters. Bed early. Nov. 16, 1917, Frid., Cold morning. Warmed up. Fair. Good stiff drills, etc. all day. Got called for our slowness in getting out. Sgts. are to have extra drill tomorrow p.m. I ...